잡담/문답 젤리뽀님....
페이지 정보


// b_damagexp - when enabled, certain types of XP will be rewarded based
// on the damage given to other players instead of the number of complete
// kills. this can help even gameplay on extremely offense-biased maps,
// solves some problems with the original per-kill system (e.g. an airstrike
// takes a player down to 1 health and blasts them into the air, but
// you receive no XP when they fall to their death.)
// The damage-based XP system rewards 1 XP per kill and 1 XP for each
// 50hp of damage inflicted on an enemy player.
// default: 0 valid values: 0, 1
set b_damagexp 0
// on the damage given to other players instead of the number of complete
// kills. this can help even gameplay on extremely offense-biased maps,
// solves some problems with the original per-kill system (e.g. an airstrike
// takes a player down to 1 health and blasts them into the air, but
// you receive no XP when they fall to their death.)
// The damage-based XP system rewards 1 XP per kill and 1 XP for each
// 50hp of damage inflicted on an enemy player.
// default: 0 valid values: 0, 1
set b_damagexp 0
부디 대미지엑스피좀 켜주세요....
백날때려봐야 킬 못하면 우울해요.... ㅠㅠ
