잡담/문답 RTCW 새로운 모드라는데..

페이지 정보

작성자 VIDEO이름으로 검색 (221.♡.69.171)
댓글 3건 조회 2,963회 작성일 04-02-16 20:37



Set in the later half of the 19th century around the Western states of America
bordering Mexico. A land plagued with disputes, lawlessness, gunfights and some
of that periods most gruesome characters. An ex-Mexican army captain turned
bandit, driven by a personal vendetta, has formed a mob of some of the most
ruthless Mexican bandits to sweep a reign of terror through the land.

Players can choose to take on the role of a Bandit or Cowboy as these two
groups confront each other in all out gunfights through various scenarios.

Player Classes and weapons:

Like RTCW, Each side has access to four classes based on those of RTCW and each
class has access to various weapons. There are 11 new authentic and 1 not quite
so authentic WildWest weapons to choose from, including colts, Harper\'s Ferry
musket, dynamite sticks, etc.


We have 3 multiplayer maps to play on. And trust us, these are big maps so
they\'re sure to keep you occupied until we have more to offer up. The maps are
set in an old disused mine, a typical WildWest Town and the Governor\'s
Hacienda. For a slightly new theme on the standard destroy/steal missions, we
have added a mission to \"kill the governor\" - where the bandit leader has
directed his mob to take out the Governor due to a personal vendetta he holds
from many years ago.

Also added are a selection of small features such as animated horses and


We intend for WildWest to play at a slower pace than RTCW. We hope that this
will make it more like the old western movies and Clint style action where
taking cover behind a rock or hiding in a clump of brush can be more beneficial
than legging forward with all guns blazing. The Town map really brings this
home with plenty of roof-top gun fights. If you insist on running totally
exposed down the street then you take what you\'re given - ie a volley of
bullets in ya back!

Unlike Wolf, taking hits will cause you injury and slow you down. This is great
when you\'re the attacker as you can see the results of your attack on the enemy
but if you\'re the one taking the damage you\'ll find yourself praying you can
make it to cover before your finished! Players can now recuperate some health
by resting. If your stamina is at full, you will regain health up to a maximum
of 69. Again this should highlight the importance of taking cover when you\'re
under fire or hit.


We have a brand new set of Mexican and cowboy voices to add to the gaming
experience. This is certainly the cherry on the cake. Our testers have been in
stitches when bandits taunt the enemy with \"Di Cowboys are runnin like di
chickins!\" amongst many great new phrases.

출처 : http://dlx.gamespot.com/pc/returntocastlewolfenstein/moreinfo_6083689.html

제 영어실력으로는 딸립니다 누가 해석좀..



고미단]Nebula님의 댓글

고미단]Nebula이름으로 검색 아이피 (220.♡.74.118) 작성일

데자뷰님이 이모드를 하면 황야의 무법자가 되는건가?

어쨌든 재밌을것이다가 결론


웃대님의 댓글

웃대이름으로 검색 아이피 (211.♡.83.55) 작성일

알타비스타 번역 해봐야지...


Blackmasterpiece님의 댓글

Blackmasterpiece이름으로 검색 아이피 (221.♡.191.223) 작성일

데미지 받으면 움직임이 느려지는군요. 람보놀이는 불가능해진듯--;

Total 24,568건 1426 페이지
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