잡담/문답 버그인건가...서버가 가끔 꺼집니다.
2007-10-20 12:16:57 : ********************
FATAL ERROR: idClip::ClipModelsTouchingBounds called from a thread other than the main thread
2007-10-20 12:16:57 : ------------ Game Shutdown -----------
2007-10-20 12:16:57 : --------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
FATAL ERROR: idClip::ClipModelsTouchingBounds called from a thread other than the main thread
2007-10-20 12:16:57 : ------------ Game Shutdown -----------
2007-10-20 12:16:57 : --------- Game Map Shutdown ----------
가끔 저에러 나오면서 서버가 꺼지네요.
스플래시데미지에서 올린 서버 changes 한번 검색해 봐야할듯;;
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