잡담/문답 이번주 토욜 MBC에서 ENERMY AT THE GATE를 방영합니다 :)
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눈으로 스펙해서 느낌을 살릴것인가.......
라는 말도 안되는 고민이.....ㅠㅅㅠ
K43은 어디서 나온것인지..알수가 없는...
독일이 개발했다가 져서 자료가 소실됐는지 아님 개발사의 농간인지...
밀리매니아인 제 친구도 모른다고 하는군요,,,
남궁란마[FNeo]님의 댓글
남궁란마[FNeo]이름으로 검색 아이피 (221.♡.160.252) 작성일그 므훗씬은...뭐랄까나...예술이지용...티비에서는 짤려서 나오려나..
남궁란마[FNeo]님의 댓글
남궁란마[FNeo]이름으로 검색 아이피 (221.♡.160.252) 작성일이 영화를 봤던게 한창 콜오브듀티라는 게임을 구입했던때라서 감회가 새로웠죠 소련군미션을 하면서 그 영화와 매치되는데 즐거움 그자체. 멀티할때는 주인공이랑 똑같은 방법으로 처박혀서 스나이핑놀이하다가 캠퍼로 킥당하기도 -_-
byebye님의 댓글
byebye이름으로 검색 아이피 (211.♡.215.109) 작성일
궁금해서 찾아봤어요.
K43 정식명칭이 Karabiner 43 이라는데..
Although the nomenclature would lead many to believe that the K43 was a shortened version of the G43, this is not the case. In mid to late 1944, the Germans changed nomenclature on the issue semi-automatic rifle from G43 to K43, supposedly at the request of the Fuhrer. Notable changes at or about this time included omission of the threaded muzzle, a manual type receiver dust cover (to replace the reciprocating type), omission of the milling and \"ribbing\" on front sight ramps and buttplate trap doors, and hollowed out bolt carrier handles. Gas system components were continuously revised. To say that a K43 would definitely have all of these features is definitely not the case, because there are a myriad of transitional variations between contractors, and at somewhat varying times, and left over or previously rejected parts were used helter-skelter throughout production. A very few 1945 dated rifles produced by Walther are marked G43 or G43/K43. previously rejected or manufactured milled steel recievers made by a subcontractor were already marked G43 and were used here and there in late production.
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Uranium235님의 댓글
Uranium235이름으로 검색 아이피 (210.♡.14.100) 작성일발터 사에서 만들어진 듯..(날림해석)